Jackson County's Dedicated Public Servant

Trey, a Jackson County native, merges his expertise in Political Science and National Security with a passion for public service. He gained invaluable insights into legislative processes and constituent services by working for Republican Senator Shelley Moore-Capito in Washington D.C.

At the West Virginia Division of Highways, Trey tackled local infrastructure needs head-on. His commitment to government transparency and responsiveness, grounded in his upbringing, positions him as the strongest candidate for Jackson county in addressing community needs

effectively and with integrity.

Our Community first Approach

Empowering Your Finances:

Eliminating the Income Tax

I'm dedicated to putting more money directly back into your pocket. By eliminating the income tax, we can stimulate economic growth and provide financial relief to hardworking individuals and families. This bold move not only boosts your personal finances but also fosters an environment where businesses can thrive, creating more job opportunities and strengthening our economy for generations to come.

Paving the Way:

Fixing Our Roads

As the lifeline of our state, road infrastructure is crucial. I've developed a comprehensive plan to address road issues in Jackson County and beyond, prioritizing repairs and upgrades. This ensures safer travel, promotes economic development, and enhances our quality of life, fostering a thriving community for all residents.

Building Foundations:

Expanding Infrastructure

West Virginia's future depends on modern infrastructure, including reliable water and sewer systems. I'm committed to expanding infrastructure statewide to address critical needs and propel our state forward. By investing in infrastructure projects, we can create jobs, attract investment, and improve the overall well-being of our communities, laying the

groundwork for a prosperous future.

Connecting Communities:

Expanding Broadband

Access to high-speed internet is essential for education, business, healthcare, and beyond. Drawing on my experience in broadband expansion, I will prioritize connecting every corner of our state to reliable broadband services. By bridging the digital divide, we can empower our citizens, boost economic growth, and ensure that West Virginia remains competitive in the 21st century economy.


Early Life and Education:

Trey is a lifelong resident of Jackson County, proud Christian, and his story is embedded in the fabric of our wonderful state. After graduating from Ripley High School, he attended Fairmont State University where he was a cabinet member of the Student Government Association and obtained Bachelor’s degrees in both Political Science and National Security and Intelligence.

Trey’s passion for working in government and helping others developed further while in college. His rigorous academic journey has laid a solid foundation, shaping his path in becoming an adept participant in government and public affairs.


Trey is a proud born-again Christian, and as a Christian, he is guided by Judeo-Christian values in all parts of his life. Trey believes in being kind and helping others, showing humility and empathy to all, and being a man of integrity. He is thankful to be raised in West Virginia, especially in Jackson County where Judeo-Christian values are passed down through family and church.

Career Development:

While in college Trey began his career working as a public servant. He had the privilege to work for Senator Shelley Moore-Capito in Washington D.C. In his capacity, he developed a keen understanding of the legislative process and constituent services. His experience was more than a job; it was an apprenticeship that has further instilled the values of service and leadership that he holds deeply and will continue to uphold as your next Delegate in the West Virginia House of Delegates.

After college, Trey began working for the West Virginia Division of Highways, where he witnessed, first-hand, just how dire our infrastructure needs are in our local communities, and worked on addressing many issues with our roads. His role at the Division underscores the importance of not just policy making, but also policy implementation.

A Life of Public Service:

Throughout his career, Trey has never lost sight of the essence that makes Jackson County home – its people. Emphasizing the significance of government responsiveness and transparency, he’s become a reliable figure within local government matters.

Trey’s educational background and experience in both government services and infrastructure development have equipped him with a unique perspective to serve the public effectively. As someone who has dedicated their career to government matters, Trey continues to push for progress that aligns with the core values of his upbringing in Jackson County. Trey’s story remains a testament to the idea that a life of service is a life well-lived, highlighting his commitment to bettering the community that raised him.

Whether working behind the scenes or at the forefront of community initiatives, Trey’s biography is still being written – one of ongoing dedication and service to the people of Jackson County.

Where I Stand on Issues

Pro Economic Growth

West Virginia is one of the best business-friendly states in the country. We have the ability to expedite permitting, obtain licenses quickly, and get the job done. With that, there is a lot more that needs to be done. I support the elimination of the income tax. It puts more money back in your pocket, boosts our economy, and attracts more business to come here bringing good paying jobs.

We need better access to water, sewer, and broadband. If we want jobs to come here, people

need to have access to the same utilities and amenities they can get elsewhere. These are vital to

expand our community and bring jobs to West Virginia.

Infrastructure is a huge economic growth hurdle in West Virginia. I worked for the Division of Highways and it’s no secret our roads are in poor shape. Many politicians have run on fixing roads, but until you have been in the midst of it, you cannot fully understand just how bad the situation is. In my plan, our roads will get better with changes made to the Division of Highways and holding people accountable for when emergencies happen because it fell through the cracks.

Pro 2nd Amendment

I am a proud gun owner and will defend your right to bear arms as protected under the Constitution. The right to own firearms is ingrained in the creation of our great nation and the Founding Fathers made it the Second Amendment by no accident. I am committed to defending your right to protect yourself, your family, and your home.

Promoting common sense gun ownership is beneficial to everyone. By enforcing our current common-sense laws to prevent gun violence by backing our law enforce to prevent illegal gun trafficking while also ensuring your rights are not diminished, is our path forward and as your delegate I will continue to legislate this way.

On the topic of gun violence, a gun does not kill a person. A person kills a person. The

underlying causes of gun violence need to be addressed without infringing your rights to firearms so that our community is safer.

Pro Life for the Entire Life

The overturing of Roe vs Wade

and bringing the issue of abortion to the states, was a crucial decision in giving people the chance to have their voices heard. Life is sacred and once it ends, there is no turning back. Protecting the lives of the unborn is something I will never be ashamed of and as your delegate, I will continue to protect the unborn. In West Virginia, our laws are written to protect as many lives as possible and I will oppose any law trying to undue those safeguards.

I do agree with the exceptions of rape, incest, and life of the mother. With being pro-life, it is important to be pro life for the entire life. We need to continue building our culture of protecting life in the womb, but also build a culture to help struggling single mothers and families and fix our foster care system. Ensuring these women and children get the assistance they need to have a good quality of life is something that we need to continue addressing in the legislature.

Our foster-care system needs more help! It needs more resources and social workers to help these children in the system have a good quality of life. It also needs to be a major goal to make sure siblings can stay together once they are in the system, or at the bare minimum be able to remain in contact with each other, if separated.


Firstly, I want to thank our wonderful educators for what they do. They do not receive the credit for the hard work they do in educating the children of tomorrow as an educator, but also as a protector when student behavior is out of control, a counselor and confidante when a student needs someone to talk to, a parent-figure when a child needs that person, and so many more roles that are continually added onto them day after day. So again, thank you!

I completely support our teachers, and I want to keep them here in West Virginia and bring more to our state. We currently have one of the worst teacher shortages in the country and that must change. I support giving more raises to our teachers and in my plan, their average wage will

become more competitive with our surrounding states. Addressing behavior issues in the

classroom is another way the legislature can directly help educators.

More control of education needs to be given to the local level. By giving county Boards of Education more say in their schools, parents will have more say in what their child is learning because parents know what is best for their children. People in their community better understand their community than someone sitting in an office far away saying “I think this is best,” when in reality we know they have no idea. With that, I am committed to working with parents and teachers alike to promote good education policy that address the needs of everyone involved.

Energy and Agriculture

West Virginia’s heritage is deeply ingrained in energy production with all our wonderful natural

resources. Supporting our energy industries is vital to our state’s wellbeing, and to our nation

with West Virginia being a leader in energy production. Thank you to our energy workers because without them, the lights would not stay on.

Our farmers and ranchers are also very important in West Virginia, and without them we would not eat. Protecting their land from being purchased by foreign governments not only protects the landowners and the agricultural industry, but it is also a national security issue and needs to be addressed to protect all Americans. Expanding infrastructure in rural areas to help them get their goods and livestock to markets and distributors faster is greatly needed.

Continuing to expand

our diverse crop cultivation and livestock industries are vital to the success of West Virginia farmers and ranchers. Expanding agritourism, introducing more Ag education courses in schools, supporting Ag programs like 4-H and FFA, and expanding trade programs will help our agriculture industry. As your delegate, I will continue to support our farmers and ranchers so they can get the job done.

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